Gender Neutral and Nonbinary Alternatives to Common Terms
This Carrd intends to aid in the inclusion of nonbinary people, gender-nonconforming people, or anyone who may desire alternatives to common gendered terminology. Select a page to get started!
THIS CARRD IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!! New terms may be added whenever they are found.
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General Terms
These are general terms, such as equivalents to "man/woman" or "boy/girl." All terms are listed in alphabetical order. Stars (★) are placed next to highly relevant/commonly used terms.Pronunciation keys are listed in order of most to least common when multiple pronunciations exist. There are always two pronunciation guides: "Pronunciation" (objective, but difficult to understand without extensive knowledge on pronunciation keys) and "Alternate pronunciation guide" (more prone to misinterpretation, but easier to read).
Birl (noun)
Pronunciation: /bərl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "burl"
Usage/meaning: A person who is both a boy and a girl; a portmanteau of "boy" and "girl."
Plural form: birls
State of being: birlhood
Source: Nonbinary WikiBoygirl (noun)
Pronunciation: /boigərl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "boy-gurl"
Usage/meaning: A person who is both a boy and a girl; a portmanteau of "boy" and "girl."
Plural form: boygirls
State of being: boygirlhoodBxy (noun)
Pronunciation: /boi'eks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "boy-eks" or "boy-ekz"
Usage/meaning: An agender boy.
Plural form: bxys
State of being: bxyhoodChori (noun)
Pronunciation: /kôrē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kor-ee"
Usage/meaning: A kenochoric equivalent to "man" or "woman." Derived from the kenochoric label.
Plural form: choris; chories; kenochorim
State of being: Unknown; possibly chorihood or chority
Source: Kenochoric Carrd (from the coiner)Doodle (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈdo͞odl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "doo-dull"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary form of "dude," based on the word "doodle."
Plural form: doodles
State of being: N/ADudex (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈdo͞odeks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "doo-deks"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary form of "dude."
Plural form: dudexes
State of being: N/AEnban (noun)
Pronunciation: /en'bən/
Alternate proununciation guide: "en-ban," "en-ben," or "en-bun"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "man" or "woman." Derived from "enby."
Plural form: enben
State of being: enbanhoodEnboy (noun)
Pronunciation: /en'boi/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "en-boy"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary boy; a portmanteau of "enby" and "boy."
Plural form: enboys
State of being: enboyhoodEnby (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /en'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "en-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boy" or "girl." Derived from "nonbinary."
Plural form: enbies; enbys
State of being: enbyhood
Note: Sometimes used as an adjective.Engirl (noun)
Pronunciation: /en'gərl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "en-gurl"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary girl; a portmanteau of "enby" and "girl."
Plural form: engirls
State of being: engirlhoodFemby (noun)
Pronunciation: /fem'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fem-bee"
Usage/meaning: A woman-aligned, feminine-aligned, or feminine nonbinary person. Often used specifically as a term for nonbinary girls, but not always. A portmanteau of "feminine" or "femme" and "enby."
Plural form: fembies; fembys
State of being: fembyhoodFemenby (noun)
Pronunciation: /femen'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fem-en-bee"
Usage/meaning: A woman-aligned, feminine-aligned, or feminine nonbinary person. Often used as a term for nonbinary people who are feminine or feminine-aligned (without necessarily being woman-aligned), but not always. A portmanteau of "feminine" or "femme" and "enby."
Plural form: femenbies; femenbys
State of being: femenbyhoodFeminenby (noun)
Pronunciation: /femənen'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fem-in-en-bee"
Usage/meaning: A woman-aligned, feminine-aligned, or feminine nonbinary person. Often used specifically as a term for nonbinary girls, but not always. A portmanteau of "feminine" and "enby."
Plural form: feminenbies; feminenbys
State of being: feminenbyhoodFenby (noun)
Pronunciation: /fen'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fen-bee"
Usage/meaning: A woman-aligned, feminine-aligned, or feminine nonbinary person. Often used as a term for nonbinary people who are feminine or feminine-aligned (without necessarily being woman-aligned), but not always. A portmanteau of "feminine" or "femme" and "enby."
Plural form: fenbies; fenbys
State of being: fenbyhoodFinby (noun)
Pronunciation: /fin'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fin-bee"
Usage/meaning: A feminine-aligned or feminine nonbinary person; a portmanteau of "FIN" ("feminine in nature") and "enby."
Plural form: finbies; finbys
State of being: finbyhoodGalby (noun)
Pronunciation: /gərl'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gal-bee" ('al' as in "rally")
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary gal; a portmanteau of "gal" and "enby."
Plural form: galbies; galbys
State of being: galbyhoodGentlethem (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈjen(t)lT͟Həm/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "jen-tul-them"
Usage/meaning: A portmanteau of "gentleman" and "them."
Plural form: gentlethem; gentlethems
State of being: N/A
Note: Derogatory in some contexts.Girlboy (noun)
Pronunciation: /gərlboi/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gurl-boy"
Usage/meaning: A person who is both a boy and a girl; a portmanteau of "boy" and "girl."
Plural form: girlboy
State of being: girlboyhoodGirlby (noun)
Pronunciation: /gərl'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gurl-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary girl; a portmanteau of "girl" and "enby."
Plural form: girlbies; girlbys
State of being: girlbyhoodGoy (noun)
Pronunciation: /goi/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "goy"
Usage/meaning: A person who is both a boy and a girl; a portmanteau of "boy" and "girl."
Plural form: goys
State of being: goyhood
Note: This word is also used by Jewish people as a term for non-Jewish people, sometimes derogatorily. Alternative terms (such as birl, boygirl, girlboy, or wo'man) are recommended.Guyby (noun)
Pronunciation: /gī'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gy-bee" ('y' as in "why")
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary guy; a portmanteau of "guy" and "enby."
Plural form: guybies; guybys
State of being: guybyhoodGxrl (noun)
Pronunciation: /gərl'eks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gurl-eks" or "gurl-ekz"
Usage/meaning: An agender girl.
Plural form: gxrls
State of being: gxrlhoodHex (noun)
Pronunciation: /heks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "heks" or "hekz"
Usage/meaning: A kenochoric equivalent to "boy" or "girl." Derived from the already existing word "hex," meaning "a magic spell or curse."
Plural form: hexes
State of being: Unknown; possibly hexhood or hexity
Source: Kenochoric Carrd (from the coiner)Kenore (noun)
Pronunciation: /kēnôr/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kee-nor"
Usage/meaning: A kenochoric equivalent to "man" or "woman." Derived from the kenochoric label.
Plural form: kenores; kenochorim
State of being: Unknown; possibly kenorehood or kenorety
Source: Kenochoric Carrd (from the coiner)Manby (noun)
Pronunciation: /man'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "man-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary man; a portmanteau of "man" and "enby."
Plural form: manbies; manbys; menbies; menbies
State of being: manbyhoodMenby (noun)
Pronunciation: /men'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "men-bee"
Usage/meaning: A man-aligned, masculine-aligned, or masculine nonbinary person. Often used as a term for nonbinary people who are masculine or masculine-aligned (without necessarily being man-aligned), but not always. A portmanteau of "man" or "men" and "enby."
Plural form: menbies; menbies
State of being: menbyhoodMinby (noun)
Pronunciation: /min'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "min-bee"
Usage/meaning: A masculine-aligned or masculine nonbinary person; a portmanteau of "MIN" ("masculine in nature") and "enby."
Plural form: minbies; minbies
State of being: minbyhoodMxn (noun)
Pronunciation: /man'eks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "man-eks”
Usage/meaning: An agender man.
Plural form: mxn
State of being: mxnhoodNeut (noun)
Pronunciation: /n(y)o͞ot/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nyoot" or "noot”
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boy" or "girl." Derived from "neutral."
Plural form: neuts
State of being: neuthood
Note: Also spelled "newt."Null (noun)
Pronunciation: /nəl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "null”
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boy" or "girl." Derived from the already existing word "null," meaning "empty" or "having a value of zero."
Plural form: nulls
State of being: nullhoodOmen (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈōmən/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "oh-men" or "oh-min"
Usage/meaning: A kenochoric equivalent to "man" or "woman." Derived from the already existing word "omen," meaning "an event regarded as a portent of good or evil" or "prophetic significance."
Plural form: omens; omenim; kenochorim
State of being: omenhood or omenity
Source: Kenochoric Carrd (from the coiner)Pan (noun)
Pronunciation: /pan/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "pan"
Usage/meaning: A pangender equivalent to "man" or "woman."
Plural form: pen
State of being: panhoodPerl (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈpərl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "purl"
Usage/meaning: A feminine nonbinary alternative to "girl"; a portmanteau of "person" and "girl."
Plural form: perls
State of being: perlhood
Source: Tumblr post from @sleepygender (not the coiner)Person (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈpərs(ə)n/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "per-sun," "per-sen," or "per-sin"
Usage/meaning: A neutral and genderless term for individuals. May be used as a nonspecific equivalent to man, woman, boy, girl, or any other term.
Plural form: persons; people
State of being: personhoodPey (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈpoi,ˈpā/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "poi" or "pay"
Usage/meaning: A masculine nonbinary alternative to "boy"; a portmanteau of "person" and "boy."
Plural form: peys
State of being: peyhood
Source: Tumblr post from @sleepygender (not the coiner)Theydy (noun)
Pronunciation: /T͟Hādē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "thay-dee"
Usage/meaning: A portmanteau of "they" and "lady."
Plural form: theydies
State of being: N/A
Note: Derogatory in some contexts.Thude (noun)
Pronunciation: /T͟Ho͞od,THo͞od/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "thood"
Usage/meaning: A portmanteau of "they/them" and "dude."
Plural form: thudes
State of being: N/AWo'man (noun)
Pronunciation: /wōman,ˈwo͝o'man/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "woe-man" ('oe' as in "goes") or "woman" with an emphasis on "man"
Usage/meaning: A person who is both a man and a woman; a portmanteau of "man" and "woman."
Plural form: wo'men
State of being: wo'manhoodWomanby (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈwo͝omən'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "woo-man-bee," "woo-men-bee," or "woo-mun-bee" ('oo' as in "book")
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary woman; a portmanteau of "woman" and "enby."
Plural form: womanbies; womanbys; womenbies; womenbys
State of being: womanbyhoodWomman (noun)
Pronunciation: /wôman/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "wah-man"
Usage/meaning: A person who is both a man and a woman; a portmanteau of "man" and "woman."
Plural form: wommen
State of being: wommanhoodWxman (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈwo͝omən'eks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "woo-man-eks," "woo-men-eks," or "woo-mun-eks" ('oo' as in "book")
Usage/meaning: An agender woman.
Plural form: wxmen
State of being: wxmanhood
Note: May be confused with “womxn,” a term sometimes used in place of “woman.”Xenan (noun)
Pronunciation: /zēnən/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zee-nan," "zee-nen," or "zee-nun"
Usage/meaning: The xenogender equivalent to "man" or "woman."
Plural form: xenen
State of being: xenanhoodXenby (noun)
Pronunciation: /zen'bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zen-bee"
Usage/meaning: A xenic or xenine nonbinary person; a portmanteau of "xeno" and "enby."
Plural form: xenbies; xenbys
State of being: xenbyhoodXenoboy (noun)
Pronunciation: /zēnoboi/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zee-no-boy"
Usage/meaning: A xenic or xenine boy; a portmanteau of "xeno" and "boy."
Plural form: xenoboys
State of being: xenoboyhoodXenogirl (noun)
Pronunciation: /zēnoboi/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zee-no-gərl"
Usage/meaning: A xenic or xenine girl; a portmanteau of "xeno" and "girl."
Plural form: xenogirls
State of being: xenogirlhoodXip (noun)
Pronunciation: /zip/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zip"
Usage/meaning: The xenogender equivalent to "boy" or "girl."
Plural form: xips
State of being: xiphoodXirl (noun)
Pronunciation: /zərl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zurl"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary girl.
Plural form: xirls
State of being: xirlhoodXoy (noun)
Pronunciation: /zoi/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zoy"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary boy.
Plural form: xoys
State of being: xoyhood
Familial Terms
These are familial terms, such as equivalents to "sister/brother" or "aunt/uncle." All terms are listed in alphabetical order. Stars (★) are placed next to highly relevant/commonly used terms.Pronunciation keys are listed in order of most to least common when multiple pronunciations exist. There are always two pronunciation guides: "Pronunciation" (objective, but difficult to understand without extensive knowledge on pronunciation keys) and "Alternate pronunciation guide" (more prone to misinterpretation, but easier to read).Due to the variety of terms, everything has its own separate page:
Equivalents to "Sister" and "Brother"
Emmer (noun)
Pronunciation: /emər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "em-urr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "sister" or "brother." May be derived from "enby" and/or "enban."
Plural form: emmers
State of being: emmerhoodSib (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /sib/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sib"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "sis" or "bro"; a short form of "sibling."
Plural form: sibs
State of being: N/ASibler (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈsiblər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sib-lurr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "sister" or "brother." Derived from sibling, but "-ing" is replaced with "-er" to match the format of "brother" and "sister"
Plural form: siblers
State of being: siblerhoodSibling (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈsibliNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sib-ling"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "sister" or "brother."
Plural form: siblings
State of being: siblinghoodSibster (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈsibstər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sib-sturr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "sister" or "brother." May be a portmanteau of "sibling" and "sister" in some instances, and may also sometimes suggest alignment with womanhood and/or femininity.
Plural form: sibsters
State of being: sibsterhoodSibter (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈsibtər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sib-turr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "sister" or "brother." May be a portmanteau of "sibling" and "brother" in some instances, and may also sometimes suggest alignment with manhood and/or masculinity.
Plural form: sibters
State of being: sibterhoodSither (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈsiT͟Hər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sih-thurr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "sister" or "brother." May be a portmanteau of "sibling" and "brother" in some instances, and may also sometimes suggest alignment with manhood and/or masculinity. May also be a portmanteau of "sister" and "brother," potentially suggesting alignment with both manhood/masculinity and womanhood/femininity.
Plural form: sithers
State of being: sitherhood
Equivalents to "Mother" and "Father"
Baba (noun)
Pronunciation: /bôbô/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "bah-bah"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mama" or "papa/dada."
Plural form: babas
State of being: N/A
Note: Refers to fathers and grandmothers in some languages.Bibi (noun)
Pronunciation: /bēbē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "bee-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mama" or "papa/dada"; derived from "nonbinary."
Plural form: bibis
State of being: N/A
Note: Sometimes refers to ladies, mistresses, or grandmothers.Cenn (noun)
Pronunciation: /ken/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ken"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mom/mum" or "dad"; a short for "cennend."
Plural form: cenns
State of being: N/ACennend (noun)
Pronunciation: /kenend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ken-nend"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mother" or "father"; an Anglo-Saxon form of "parent."
Plural form: cennends
State of being: N/ADommy (noun)
Pronunciation: /dômē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dah-mee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mommy/mummy" or "daddy"; a portmanteau of "daddy" and "mommy."
Plural form: dommies
State of being: N/A
Note: May be confused with BDSM terminology.Maddy (noun)
Pronunciation: /madē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ma-dee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mommy/mummy" or "daddy"; a portmanteau of "mommy" and "daddy."
Plural form: maddies
State of being: N/AModdy (noun)
Pronunciation: /môdē/
Alternate prnunciation guide: "mah-dee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mommy/mummy" or "daddy"; a portmanteau of "mommy" and "daddy."
Plural form: moddies
State of being: N/AMuddy (noun)
Pronunciation: /mədē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "muh-dee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mommy/mummy" or "daddy"; a portmanteau of "mummy" and "daddy."
Plural form: muddies
State of being: N/ANini (noun)
Pronunciation: /nēnē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nee-nee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mama" or "papa/dada"; derived from "nonbinary."
Plural form: ninis
State of being: N/A
Note: Sometimes refers to grandparents.Non (noun)
Pronunciation: /nôn/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "non"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mom/mum" or "dad"; derived from "nonbinary."
Plural form: nons
State of being: N/ANonny (noun)
Pronunciation: /nônē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nah-nee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mommy/mummy" or "daddy"; derived from "nonbinary."
Plural form: nonnies
State of being: N/ANother (noun)
Pronunciation: /nəT͟Hər/
Alternate proununciation guide: "nuh-thurr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mother" or "father." It is derived from "nonbinary" or "(an)other."
Plural form: nothers
State of being: notherhoodPar (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈper/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "paehr"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mom/mum" or "dad"; short for "parent."
Plural form: pars
State of being: N/A
Note: Also spelled "pare" or "per."Parent (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈperənt/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "paeh-rent"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mom/mum/mother" or "dad/father."
Plural form: parents
State of being: parenthoodRen (noun)
Pronunciation: /ren/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ren"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mom/mum" or "dad"; short for "parent."
Plural form: rens
State of being: N/ARenny (noun)
Pronunciation: /renē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "reh-nee"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "mommy/mummy" or "daddy"; short for "parent."
Plural form: rennies
State of being: N/AZaza (noun)
Pronunciation: /zôzô/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zah-zah"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mama" or "papa/dada."
Plural form: zazas
State of being: N/A
Note: Also spelled "xaxa."Zither (noun)
Pronunciation: /ziT͟Hər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zih-thurr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mother" or "father."
Plural form: zithers
State of being: zitherhood
Note: This word is also the name of a musical instrument. It is also alternatively spelled "xither" (which is not the name of an instrument).
Equivalents to "Grandma" and "Grandpa"
Baba (noun)
Pronunciation: /bôbô/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "bah-bah"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: babas
State of being: N/A
Note: Refers to fathers in some languages, and may also refer to parents.Bibi (noun)
Pronunciation: /bēbē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "bee-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: bibis
State of being: N/A
Note: Sometimes refers to ladies, mistresses, parents, or grandmothers.Grandna (noun)
Pronunciation: /grandnô/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-nah"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: grandnas
State of being: N/AGrandnon (noun)
Pronunciation: /grandnôn/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-non"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: grandnons
State of being: N/AGrandnother (noun)
Pronunciation: /nəT͟Hər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nuh-thurr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "mother" or "father." It is derived from "nonbinary" or "(an)other."
Plural form: grandnothers
State of being: grandnotherhoodGrandpar (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈper/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "paehr"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa"; short for "grandparent."
Plural form: grandpars
State of being: N/A
Note: Also spelled "grandpare" or "grandper."Grandparent (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /grand'perənt/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-paeh-rent"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "grandma/grandmother" or "grandpa/grandfather."
Plural form: grandparents
State of being: grandparenthoodGrandren (noun)
Pronunciation: /grandren/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-ren"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa"; short for "grandparent."
Plural form: grandrens
State of being: N/AGrandwa (noun)
Pronunciation: /grandwô/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-wah"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: grandwas
State of being: N/AGrandy (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /grandē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gran-dee"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral term for "grandparent," "grandma," or "grandpa."
Plural form: grandies
State of being: N/AGrandza (noun)
Pronunciation: /grandzô/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-zah"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: grandzas
State of being: N/A
Note: Also spelled "grandxa."Grandzither (noun)
Pronunciation: /grandziT͟Hər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grand-zih-thurr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandmother" or "grandfather."
Plural form: grandzithers
State of being: grandzitherhood
Note: This word is also the name of a musical instrument. It is also alternatively spelled "xither" (which is not the name of an instrument).Nini (noun)
Pronunciation: /nēnē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nee-nee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "grandma" or "grandpa."
Plural form: ninis
State of being: N/A
Note: Sometimes refers to parents.
Equivalents to "Aunt" and "Uncle"
Amvi (noun)
Pronunciation: /ômvē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ahm-vee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is derived from the Latin amita, the origin for "aunt," and avunculus, the origin for "uncle."
Plural form: amvis
State of being: N/AAuncle (noun)
Pronunciation: /ankl/; /änkl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "an-kull" or "ahn-kull"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is a portmantaeu of "aunt" and "uncle."
Plural form: auncles
State of being: N/AAuntle (noun)
Pronunciation: /antl/; /äntl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "an-tull" or "ahn-tull"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is a portmantaeu of "aunt" and "uncle."
Plural form: auntles
State of being: N/AAvita (noun)
Pronunciation: /ôvētə/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ah-vee-tuh"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is derived from the Latin amita, the origin for "aunt," and avunculus, the origin for "uncle."
Plural form: avitas
State of being: N/A
Note: Is also the name of an acne treatment.Entle (noun)
Pronunciation: /entl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "en-tull"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is a portmantaeu of "aunt," "uncle," and "enby."
Plural form: entles
State of being: N/AOggy (noun)
Pronunciation: /ôgē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ah-gee" ('gee' as in "geese")
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle."
Plural form: oggies
State of being: N/AOmmer (noun)
Pronunciation: /ômer/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ah-murr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle."
Plural form: ommers
State of being: N/APibling (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈpibliNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "pib-ling"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is a portmantaeu of "parent" and "sibling," thus meaning "parent's sibling".
Plural form: piblings
State of being: N/ATíe (noun)
Pronunciation: /tēā/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "tee-ay"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is based on the Spanish words for aunt and uncle (tía and tío, respectively).
Plural form: tíes
State of being: N/AUntie (noun)
Pronunciation: /əntē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "un-tee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is a portmantaeu of "uncle" and "auntie."
Plural form: unties
State of being: N/A
*Note: Also spelled "unty."Zie (noun)
Pronunciation: /zēā/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "zee-ay"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "aunt" or "uncle." It is based on the Italian words for aunt and uncle (zia and zio, respectively).
Plural form: zies
State of being: N/A
Note: Visually identical to the common neopronoun "zie."
Equivalents to "Niece" and "Nephew"
Chibling (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈCHibliNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "chib-ling"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "child" and "sibling," thus meaning "sibling's child".
Plural form: chiblings
State of being: N/ANephiece (noun)
Pronunciation: /nefēs/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nef-ees"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "nephew" and "niece."
Plural form: nephiece
State of being: N/ANespring (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈnespriNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nes-pring"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." Possibly derived from "nibling."
Plural form: nesprings
State of being: N/ANibling (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈnibliNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nib-ling"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "niece/nephew" and "sibling."
Plural form: niblings
State of being: N/ANiecew (noun)
Pronunciation: /nēsyo͞o/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "nees-yoo"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "niece" and "nephew."
Plural form: niecews
State of being: N/ANieph (noun)
Pronunciation: /nēf/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "neef"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "niece" and "nephew."
Plural form: niephs
State of being: N/ANiephew (noun)
Pronunciation: /nēfyo͞o/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "neef-yoo"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "niece" and "nephew."
Plural form: niephew
State of being: N/ANiephling (noun)
Pronunciation: /nēfliNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "neef-ling"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "niece," "nephew," and "nibling" (or "sibling").
Plural form: niephlings
State of being: N/ASibkid (noun)
Pronunciation: /sibkid/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sib-kid"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "niece" or "nephew." It is a portmantaeu of "sibling" and "kid," thus meaning "sibling's kid".
Plural form: sibkids
State of being: N/A
Equivalents to "Daughter" and "Son"
Child (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /CHīld/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "chyld" ('y' as in "why")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "son" or "daughter."
Plural form: children
State of being: childhoodKid (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /kid/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kid"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "son" or "daughter."
Plural form: kids
State of being: N/AOffspring (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈôfˌspriNG/; /ˈäfˌspriNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "off-spring"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "son" or "daughter"; often formal and biologically focused.
Plural form: offspring
State of being: N/AOldest (noun)
Pronunciation: /ōldest/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ol-dest"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "son" or "daughter"; focuses on age instead of gender.
Plural form: N/A
State of being: N/ASprog (noun)
Pronunciation: /sprôg/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sprog"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "son" or "daughter"; a child or baby.
Plural form: sprogs
State of being: N/A
Note: Sometimes considered derogatory.Youngest (noun)
Pronunciation: /yəNGest/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "yuhn-gest"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "son" or "daughter"; focuses on age instead of gender.
Plural form: N/A
State of being: N/A
Relationship Terms
These are relationship terms, especially pertaining to romantic relationships. This includes equivalents to "gay/straight" relationships, "boyfriend/girlfriend," etc. All terms are listed in alphabetical order. Stars (★) are placed next to highly relevant/commonly used terms.Pronunciation keys are listed in order of most to least common when multiple pronunciations exist. There are always two pronunciation guides: "Pronunciation" (objective, but difficult to understand without extensive knowledge on pronunciation keys) and "Alternate pronunciation guide" (more prone to misinterpretation, but easier to read).Due to the variety of terms, there are two separate pages:
Diamoric (adjective)
Pronunciation: /dīˈam(ə)rik/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dy-a-mor-ik" ('y' as in "why"; 'a' as in "bat")
Usage/meaning: An umbrella term for attraction experienced by a nonbinary person. It does not specify the gender(s) one is attracted to; it only specifies that the attraction is experienced in a nonbinary context.
This word can also be used to describe relationships in which at least one partner is nonbinary. For example, if a nonbinary person and a man are in a relationship, they may describe that relationship as being diamoric.Gai (adjective)
Pronunciation: /gā/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gay"
Usage/meaning: An orientation in which one is gay in a specifically nonbinary way. It does not specify the gender(s) one is attracted to; it only specifies that the attraction is experienced in a nonbinary context, and that the attraction feels gay.
This word can also be used to describe relationships which involve at least one nonbinary partner, and also feel gay. For example, if a pangender person and a woman are in a relationship, and they feel that their relationship (and/or attraction for each other) is gay, they may describe each other as being in a gai relationship.Graight (adjective)
Pronunciation: /grāt/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "grayt"
Usage/meaning: A portmanteau of "gay" and "straight." It is an orientation in which one is gay and straight, potentially simultaneously. This may refer to people who us the split attraction model, percieve their attraction as simultaneously gay and straight due to being nonbinary (especially if multigender), etc.
This word can also be used to describe relationships which feel simultaneously gay and straight. For example, if a pangender person and a woman are in a relationship, and they feel that their relationship (and/or attraction for each other) is gay and straight, they may describe each other as being in a graight relationship.
Note: Similar (and sometimes synonymous) terms include lesbihet, straightbian, straytbian (see "Strayt"), straight-gay, and gay-straight. This term may sometimes be spelled as "great" (typically as a pun).Queer (adjective) ★
Pronunciation: /kwir/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kweer"
Usage/meaning: An umbrella term for people, identities, and experiences which do not conform to cisheteronormativity. This may refer to gender, orientation, expression, relationships, a combination of these things, or anything related. Thus, relationships which involve at least one nonbinary partner may sometimes be described as queer.
Note: Though is it widely reclaimed, this word is sometimes considered derogatory, and should be used with caution and care. Do not assume that everyone is comfortable with this term.Strayt (adjective)
Pronunciation: /strāt/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "strayt"
Usage/meaning: An orientation in which one is straight in a specifically nonbinary way. It does not specify the gender(s) one is attracted to; it only specifies that the attraction is experienced in a nonbinary context, and that the attraction feels straight.
This word can also be used to describe relationships which involve at least one nonbinary partner, and also feel straight. For example, if a pangender person and a woman are in a relationship, and they feel that their relationship (and/or attraction for each other) is straight, they may describe each other as being in a strayt relationship.
[Affix]friend (noun)
Pronunciation: varies
Alternate pronunciation guide: N/A
Usage/meaning: A customizable equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend." The first part of the word can be changed to whatever the partner's gender affix is. For example, a genderfluid partner may be referred to as a fluidfriend, and a xenogender partner may be referred to as a xenofriend.
Plural form: [affix]friends
State of being: N/A[Gender]friend (noun)
Pronunciation: varies
Alternate pronunciation guide: N/A
Usage/meaning: A customizable equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend," similar to [[affix]]friend. Rather than only using the affix, the full gender label is used. For example, a genderfluid partner may be referred to as a genderfluidfriend, a xenogender partner may be referred to as a xenogenderfriend, and a demigirl may be referred to as a demigirlfriend.
Plural form: [gender]friends
State of being: N/A[Pronoun]friend (noun)
Pronunciation: varies
Alternate pronunciation guide: N/A
Usage/meaning: A customizable equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend." The first part of the word can be changed to whatever the partner's pronouns are. For example, a partner who uses fae/faer pronouns may be referred to as a faefriend, and a partner who uses they/them pronouns may be referred to as a theyfriend.
Plural form: [pronoun]friends
State of being: N/ABothfriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈbōTHˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "bohth-frend"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend," especially for nonbinary people who are both man-aligned/masculine and woman-aligned/feminine.
Plural form: bothfriends
State of being: N/ACompanion (noun)
Pronunciation: /kəmˈpanyən/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kum-pan-yuhn"
Usage/meaning: In the context of romance (or similar relationships), this is a gender neutral term for people who are in a relationship. It may be used as an equivalent to "boyfriend/girlfriend," "husband/wife," etc.
Plural form: companions
State of being: companionshipCutefriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /'kyo͞otˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kyoot-frend"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."
Plural form: cutefriends
State of being: N/ADate (noun)
Pronunciation: /dāt/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dayt"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend." Typically used in the context of a specific event, rather than a general partner term (ex: "they're my date to the dance").
Plural form: dates
State of being: N/ADatefriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /'dātˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dayt-frend"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend," typically used by nonbinary people. Likely derived from "datemate."
Plural form: datefriends
State of being: N/ADatemate (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /'dātˌmāt/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dayt-mayt"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend," typically used by nonbinary people.
Plural form: datemates
State of being: N/AEnbyfriend (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /'en'bēˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "en-bee-frend"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."
Plural form: enbyfriends
State of being: N/AEpox (noun)
Pronunciation: /iˈpäks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ee-pahks"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "husband" or "wife," typically used by nonbinary people.
Plural form: Unknown; possibly "epox"
State of being: N/AEpoxi (noun)
Pronunciation: /iˈpäksē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ee-pahk-see"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "fiancé" or "fiancée," typically used by nonbinary people.
Plural form: epoxi
State of being: engagementFianxé (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˌfēˌänˈzā/; /fēˈänzā/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fee-ahn-zay"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "fiancé" or "fiancée."
Plural form: fianxés
State of being: engagementGenderfriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈjendərˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "jen-dur-frend"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."
Plural form: genderfriends
State of being: N/AIntended (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /inˈtendəd/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "in-ten-ded"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "fiancé" or "fiancée."
Plural form: N/A
State of being: engagementJoyfriend (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /'joiˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "joy-frend"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."
Plural form: joyfriends
State of being: N/ALovefriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /'ləvˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "luhv-frend"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."
Plural form: lovefriends
State of being: N/ALoveperson (noun)
Pronunciation: /ləvˈpərs(ə)n/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "luhv-pur-sun," "luhv-pur-sin," or "luhv-pur-sen"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "boyfriend/girlfriend," "husband/wife," etc.
Plural form: lovepersons; lovepeople
State of being: N/AOther Half (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈəT͟Hər haf/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "uh-thur haf" ('a' as in "bat")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral term for a person's partner. It may be used as an equivalent to "boyfriend/girlfriend," "husband/wife," etc. Typically used in a monogamous context.
Plural form: other halves
State of being: N/APartner (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈpärtnər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "pahrt-nurr"
Usage/meaning: In the context of romance (or similar relationships), this is a gender neutral term for people who are in a relationship. It may be used as an equivalent to "boyfriend/girlfriend," "husband/wife," etc.
Plural form: partners
State of being: partnershipPersonfriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈpərs(ə)nˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "pur-sun-frend," "pur-sin-frend," or "pur-sen-frend"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend," typically used by nonbinary people.
Plural form: personfriends
State of being: N/AQueerfriend (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈkwirˌfrend/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kweer-frend"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary/queer equivalent to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."
Plural form: queerfriends
State of being: N/ASignificant Other (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /siɡˈnifikənt ˈəT͟Hər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "sig-nih-fih-kent uh-thur"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral term for people who are in a relationship. It may be used as an equivalent to "boyfriend/girlfriend," "husband/wife," etc. Typically used in a monogamous context.
Plural form: significant others
State of being: N/A
Note: Often abbreviated to "S.O." and sometimes shortened to "signif."Spouse (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /spous/; /spouz/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "spows" or "spowz" ('ow' as in "owl")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "husband" or "wife."
Plural form: spouses
State of being: N/ASpouse-to-be (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /spous to͞o bē/; /spouz to͞o bē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "spows too bee" or "spowz too bee" ('ow' as in "owl")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "fiancé" or "fiancée."
Plural form: spouses-to-be
State of being: engagement
These are occupational terms, such as equivalents to "fireman/firewoman" or "barman/barmaid." All terms are listed in alphabetical order. Terms for royalty are not included here. As a general rule, "person" can substitute "man" or "woman" at the end of any title (example: "businessman" or "businesswoman" becomes "businessperson"). Stars (★) are placed next to highly relevant/commonly used terms.Pronunciation keys are listed in order of most to least common when multiple pronunciations exist. There are always two pronunciation guides: "Pronunciation" (objective, but difficult to understand without extensive knowledge on pronunciation keys) and "Alternate pronunciation guide" (more prone to misinterpretation, but easier to read).
Actoress (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈaktərəs/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ack-tur-ess" or "ack-tor-ess"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary portmantaeu of "actor" or "actress."
Plural form: actoresses
State of being: N/A
Note: "Actor" is seeing increasing use as a gender neutral term.Actorex (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈaktərəks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ack-tur-eks" or "ack-tor-ek"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "actor" or "actress."
Plural form: actorexes
State of being: N/AActrex (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈaktrəks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ack-treks"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "actor" or "actress."
Plural form: actrexes
State of being: N/ABartender (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈbärˌtendər/
Alternate pronunciation guide:"bahr-ten-dur"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "barman" or "barmaid."
Plural form: bartenders
State of being: N/ACowhand (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈkouhand/
Alternate pronunciation guide:"kow-hand"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "cowboy" or "cowgirl."
Plural form: cowhands
State of being: N/ACowpoke (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈkouˌpōk/
Alternate pronunciation guide:"kow-pohk"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "cowboy" or "cowgirl."
Plural form: cowpokes
State of being: N/AFirefighter (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈfī(ə)rˌfīdər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fyre-fy-tur"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "fireman" or "firewoman."
Plural form: firefighters
State of being: N/APerformer (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /pərˈfôrmər/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "pur-for-mur"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral term for one who performs, such as a clown or thespian.
Plural form: performers
State of being: N/AServer (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈsərvər/
Alternate pronunciation guide:"sur-vur"
Usage/meaning: A person who provides a service, such as waitstaff.
Plural form: servers
State of being: N/AThespian (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈTHespēən/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "theh-spee-ehn"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "actor" or "actress."
Plural form: thespians
State of being: N/AWaitperson (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈwātˌpərs(ə)n/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "wayt-pur-sun" or "wayt-pur-sehn"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "waiter" or "waitress."
Plural form: waitpersons; waitpeople
State of being: N/A
Note: "Waiter" is seeing increasing use as a gender neutral term.Waitstaff (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈwātstaf/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "wayt-staff"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "waiter" or "waitress," typically used to refer to waiters and waitresses collectively/as a group.
Plural form: waitstaff
State of being: N/A
These terms which aren't covered by other categories. Stars (★) are placed next to highly relevant/commonly used terms.Pronunciation keys are listed in order of most to least common when multiple pronunciations exist. There are always two pronunciation guides: "Pronunciation" (objective, but difficult to understand without extensive knowledge on pronunciation keys) and "Alternate pronunciation guide" (more prone to misinterpretation, but easier to read).
Almighty (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ôlˈmīdē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "ahl-my-tee" ('y' as in "why")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "god" or "goddess." Implies a deity with infinite power, typically in a monotheistic context.
Plural form: almighties
State of being: N/A
Note: "God" is seeing increasing use as a gender neutral term.Deity (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈdēədē/; /ˈdāədē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dee-ih-dee" or "day-eh-dee."
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "god" or "goddess."
Plural form: deities
State of being: N/ADivine (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /dəˈvīn/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "dih-vyn" ('y' as in "why")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "god" or "goddess."
Plural form: The Divine, divine beings
State of being: N/A
Note: "The Divine" can also be singular.Enbear (noun)
Pronunciation: /enber/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "en-bayr" or "en-behr"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary bear (gay subculture); a portmanteau of "bear" and "enby."
Plural form: enbears
State of being: N/AFan (noun)
Pronunciation: /fan/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fan"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "fanboy" or "fangirl."
Plural form: fans
State of being: N/AFanby (noun)
Pronunciation: /fanbē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fan-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "fanboy" or "fangirl."
Plural form: fanbies
State of being: N/AFanenby (noun)
Pronunciation: /fanenbē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fan-ehn-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "fanboy" or "fangirl."
Plural form: fanenbies
State of being: N/AFankid (noun)
Pronunciation: /fankid/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "fan-kid"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "fanboy" or "fangirl."
Plural form: fankids
State of being: N/AGoddeq (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈɡädək/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gah-dek"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "god" or "goddess."
Plural form: goddeqs
State of being: goddeqhoodGoddette (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈɡädət/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gah-det"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "god" or "goddess." May be feminine or woman-aligned.
Plural form: goddettes
State of being: goddettehoodGoddex (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈɡädəks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "gah-deks"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "god" or "goddess."
Plural form: goddexes
State of being: goddexhood
Note: Can also be spelled "goddexx" or "goddexxe."Laird (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /lerd/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "layrd"
Usage/meaning: A person who owns estate in Scotland; a gender neutral equivalent to "lord" or "lady."
Plural form: lairds
State of being: lairdship
Note: "Lairdship" typically refers to the laird's estate, rather than the state of being a laird.Liege (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /lēZH/; /lēj/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "leezh" ('zh' as in "leisure")
Usage/meaning: A feudal superior or sovereign; a gender neutral equivalent to "lord" or "lady."
Plural form: lieges
State of being: N/AMonarch (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈmänərk/ /ˈmänˌärk/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "mahn-ahrk"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "king" or "queen."
Plural form: monarchs
State of being: monarchy
Note: "Monarchy" is often used to refer to the state of government, or to the royal family collectively, rather than the state of being a monarch.Monarch's heir (noun) ★
Pronunciation: /ˈmänərks er/ /ˈmänˌärks er/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "mahn-ahrk's ayr"
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: monarch's heirs
State of being: N/APrime (noun)
Pronunciation: /prīm/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prym" ('y' as in "why")
Usage/meaning: A gender neutral equivalent to "prince" or "princess." Derived from Latin.
Plural form: primes
State of being: primehoodPrin (noun)
Pronunciation: /prin/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: prins
State of being: prinhoodPrincen (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinsen/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-sehn"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess." Possibly derived from "prince-" and "enby."
Plural form: princens
State of being: princenhoodPrincet (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinset/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-seht"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: princets
State of being: princethoodPrincette (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinset/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-seht"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess." Possibly feminine or woman-aligned.
Plural form: princettes
State of being: princettehoodPrincev (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinsev/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-sehv"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: princevs
State of being: princevhoodPrincex (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinseks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-sehks"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: princexes
State of being: princexhood
Note: This word has been coined multiple times, using 'x' as a standard gender neutral variable. However, in at least one instance of the word's coinage, it was intended only for use by POC. It may be inappropriate or offensive to use this term as a white person.Princexx (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinseks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-sehks"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: princexxes
State of being: princexxhoodPrincus (noun)
Pronunciation: /prinsəs/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prihn-sus"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: princuses
State of being: princushood
Note: Pronounced similarly or identically to "princess."Prinx (noun)
Pronunciation: /priNGks/; /prinz/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prinks" or "prihnz"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: prinxs, prinxes
State of being: prinxhoodPrinxe (noun)
Pronunciation: /priNGks/; /prinz/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "prinks" or "prihnz"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary equivalent to "prince" or "princess."
Plural form: prinxes
State of being: prinxehoodQuing (noun)
Pronunciation: //kwiNG/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "kwing" or "kweeng"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary portmanteau of "king" and "queen."
Plural form: quings
State of being: quinghoodTwinkby (noun)
Pronunciation: /ˈtwiNGkbē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "twink-bee"
Usage/meaning: A nonbinary twink; a portmanteau of "twink" and "enby."
Plural form: twinkbies; twinkbys
State of being: N/AUrse (noun)
Pronunciation: /ərsā/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "urr-say" or "urs"
Usage/meaning: A diamoric equivalent to bear or urs(ul)a (gay/lesbian subculture).
Plural form: urses
State of being: N/AUrsule (noun)
Pronunciation: /ərsəlā/; /ərsəl/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "urr-suh-lay" or "urr-sul"
Usage/meaning: A diamoric equivalent to bear or urs(ul)a (gay/lesbian subculture).
Plural form: ursules
State of being: N/AUrsulx (noun)
Pronunciation: /ərsəleks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "urr-sul-eks"
Usage/meaning: A diamoric equivalent to bear or urs(ul)a (gay/lesbian subculture).
Plural form: ursulxs
State of being: N/AUrsx (noun)
Pronunciation: /ərseks/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "urr-seks"
Usage/meaning: A diamoric equivalent to bear or urs(ul)a (gay/lesbian subculture).
Plural form: ursxs
State of being: N/AUrsy (noun)
Pronunciation: /ərsē/
Alternate pronunciation guide: "urr-see"
Usage/meaning: A diamoric equivalent to bear or urs(ul)a (gay/lesbian subculture).
Plural form: ursies
State of being: N/A